Poet Cottage was built BY working writers FOR working writers, those literary artists who need quiet, beauty and ease in which to advance their writing project.
To provide a refuge for writers who might not otherwise be able to afford to rent the cottage for a writing retreat of their own, Hollowdeck Press LLC sponsors the Annual Poet Cottage Writer’s Residency, offering a 10-day stay at Poet Cottage November 1-10th free of charge, an award worth over $2000.
The Residency is open to writers of Creative Non-Fiction, Fiction, and Poetry. We welcome writers of every style and level of experience. Applications are accepted between July 1-15th of each year and there is a $20 application fee. Applications are sent in with a signed application form, a brief Artist’s Statement and a 10-page writing sample. They are collected and then submitted anonymously to a guest judge. Each year we will invite a different guest writer to read the submissions and choose our winner. In 2022 the Guest Judge was novelist and writing teacher Julie Kazimer, in 2023 it was Novelist, Teacher and musician Junior Burke. Applicants will be notified of the judges decision by email on August 1st.

Winners are responsible for their own airfare, transportation, jeep rental, and food. The application form for the Poet Cottage Residency can be downloaded at the link below and sent in via email between July 1-15th to [email protected] with “Residency Application” in the subject line.
1. Download and fill out the 1 page Application Form below. Sign the form and take a photo of it, making sure all information is visible, then you can email us the photo.
2. Write a 1-page Artist’s Statement, describing for us in detail how this residency would help you develop and advance your work as a writer.
3. Choose or create a 10-page Writing Sample. (Your name should NOT appear on your writing sample, only on the Artist’s Statement and Application Form). The sample should be up to 10 pages of recent work in progress. You may submit one text or multiple texts, Fiction, Narrative Non-Fiction or Poetry, adding up to 10 pages total. Use 12 pt, single spaced, Times or Palatino. Do not send Google docs, send only Word docs or .pdf docs.
Put the title of the work on each page of your sample, but not your name, text samples will be judged blind. Please Note: Max will collect the applications but our Guest Judge will choose the winner 🙂
4. Email the three things above to [email protected] with “Residency Application” in the subject line.
5. Send in your $20 Application Fee
To pay by Venmo: go to www.venmo.com/u/Hollowdeck-Press To pay by ZELLE: all you need is this email address: [email protected] To pay by Pay Pal: go to https://paypal.me/HollowdeckPress?locale.x=en_US To pay by Check: Checks can be made out to Hollowdeck Press LLC, and sent to Hollowdeck Press LLC, 1006 Grandview Ave. Boulder, CO 80302. Please make sure your Application Fee and your emailed Application will arrive PRIOR to July 15th!
Please Note: No application will be turned away for lack of funds to pay the Application Fee. If you need the fee waived, please just drop us an email at [email protected]
If you know of other writers or writing communities who might be interested in applying for the residency please feel free to forward this URL along to them.
THANKS and Happy Writing!